Consultant/Organization for Capacity Building Training in “Alternative Dispute Resolution"
Terms of Reference:
Consultant/Organization for Capacity Building Training in “Alternative Dispute
Introduction on Search for Common Ground
Search for Common Ground is a locally rooted global organization that works to end violent conflict
and build healthy, safe, and just societies. It is the largest organization dedicated to peacebuilding, with
offices in over 30 countries including places where conflict puts millions of people at risk. In Sri Lanka,
Search has been operational since 2011 and is considered a deeply localized organization with a team
of ethnically and religiously diverse staff. Search has been working with a range of local partners and
stakeholders to promote a culture of tolerance and collaborative problem-solving.
Search has two key programmatic approaches:
1) peace, social cohesion, and reconciliation;
2) inclusive local governance; and in the recent past, Search has also worked on digital peacebuilding
to promote the acknowledgement and protection of historical memories and prevent future conflict.
Search has also supported post-war reconciliation through dialogue and memorialization.
British council and Search Partnership
British Council and Search for Common Ground (SFCG) in Sri Lanka have signed an agreement to work
on Area 3 (inclusive local action forums to address shared problems and improve the resolution of
community-level grievances under SEDR), and the contract period is July 2023 to December 2024. The
overall goal of the SFCG project is to strengthen inclusive local dispute resolution mechanisms that
peacefully manage conflict and prevent the escalation of violence in target six districts and twelve
divisions in Sri Lanka.
The objective of the consultancy
1. Develop the training session plan for ADR forums in collaboration with the SFCG program team.
2. Implementation of the series of training programme based on the mutually-agreed upon Training
session plan (The expectation is to be innovative and interactive in the conducting of training
without it being restricted to class-room sessions)
Task 1: Develop a session plan and pre and post-test for two days of training on Alternative Dispute
TASK 2: Undertake the six training sessions - each training program will be 2 days for 30 persons.
Search for Common Ground (Search) Sri Lanka seeks a Consultant/Organization for Capacity Building
Training in “Alternative Dispute Resolution "for SEDR Project. For the complete terms of reference and
process please click and send your duly completed application with required
document to on or before 16th May, 2024. Only short-listed service
providers will be contacted.